Sunday, March 4, 2012

March 4th, 2012

Well Ryan is back on the ventilator. Same things as always, he just got pooped out from breathing on his own. The doctors keep reassuring us that this is not a setback, but it’s still hard to know he can't breathe on his own for too long--no one likes to hear that their kid is struggling. He's higher up on his oxygen requirement than usual, but hopefully after having the vent breathe for him, he can gain some strength back and lower it. He got a blood transfusion to hopefully raise his oxygen supply as well. Blood, or hemoglobin, helps oxygen travel throughout the body, so when he doesn't have enough blood, the oxygen isn't being circulated. After running a few more labs, we will be able to see if the transfusion helped him at all. He also has a new doctor for the next two weeks. Being that she knows nothing about him, I was able to be there when the resident physician caught her up on everything. She wasn't there when they did his first echo, ultrasound, or x-ray, so she has upcoming plans to order them. When he was first born, there was an extra valve his in heart that wasn't closed all the way. Usually babies born at 25 weeks need medication to close the valve, but Ryan was able to do it on his own. When they first found the valve open, they would hear a murmur when they would listen to his heart. Now, 3 weeks later, they hear a slight murmur again. An echo was ordered and the valve hasn't reopened so that was reassuring. They say to look at his progress at a week by week basis, but it’s hard when you see him or call every day, and hear about something new; good or bad.

Until next time, just keep praying his tiny body can keep him breathing!

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