Thursday, February 23, 2012

February 23rd, 2012

First family photo!


What a crappy day out outside! Thankfully, to and from the hospital today, we didn't get stuck in any traffic from the snow! Ryan is doing well. We noticed while we were there he was spitting up a lot more from his vent.  While holding him, they had to suction his tube out about 5 times. Usually if we have fluid stuck in our throats, we can easily clear it out by coughing. Due to Ryan's vent being put in, instead of fluid getting stuck in his throat, it gets sucked up through the vents tube. This in turn travels down into his lungs, and he is unable to breathe to his full potential resulting in his oxygen saturation lowering (which is not good). Hopefully he can start learning to spit the extra saliva out, or like the doctors are testing for, get the bacteria under control. Other than that, it was a "normal" day in the NICU. I was able to hold him again as you can see in the picture, and Ryan changed baby Ryan's poopie diaper all by himself and checked his temperature. We are slowly getting in the hang of being parents in the NICU.

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