Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Getting Caught Up

February 7th, 2012

At 8:04pm, Ryan was born. 2 pounds 1 ounce, 14 inches long. 25 weeks and 4 days premature. Immediately he was put on a ventilator that breathes for him. It can also monitor the amount of oxygen, air pressure, and number of breaths he takes. An umbilical catheter and IV line were inserted through the umbilical cord to supply him the proper nutrients and medications.

February 8th, 2012
Ryan was under close watch by his nurses and doctors, but he was doing great, and all his vital signs were stable.

February 9th, 2012
Ryan went down to 2 pounds. This is a normal reaction being that he was now not eating everything that he was getting when in my belly--no more Hooters or McDonalds for him for a little while. He is however now getting 1 milliliter (ml) of breast milk every 2 hours which means they inserted a feeding tube. He is also now on phototherapy which helps break down the bilirubin in the body. We call this Ryan's tanning bed, but in actuality, it’s helping him from getting jaundice (yellowing of the skin).

February 10th, 2012
Ryan has been taken off the ventilator (first milestone). His CO2 levels in his blood gases have been looking good, and the doctors made the decision to try him on the C-PAP.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (C-PAP) – This method is used for babies who can breathe on their own, but just need some help getting air to their lungs.
The C-PAP doesn't bypass his vocal cords like the ventilator does, so Ryan and I got to hear our little guy cry for the first time.

February 11th, 2012
Ryan is now 1 pound and 13 ounces. Although he is receiving the 1ml of milk every 2 hours, it has not helped him gain any weight. The first couple days of milk that a mother produces is what’s called colostrum--this has no amount of fat it in, but instead has essential antibodies that help build a babies immune system. Ryan's umbilical catheter was taken out today.

February 12th, 2012
No new news with Ryan progress. He is still remaining a little fighter. Jen changed her first diaper of Ryan's today. Wasn't that messy of a diaper, I just need more practice on a baby in an incubator (isolate).

February 13th, 2012

First day we haven't seen Ryan since he was born. Grandma and Grandpa Gillespie got to fill us in on how he was--he is still doing great!

February 14th, 2012
Happy 1 week old Ryan! What a great Valentine’s Day it was! Ryan's feedings have gone up to 3ml every 2 hours. I got to hold Ryan for the very first time! It was a little scary having them move him with all these wires in, but once he got comfortable on my chest, he was passed out sleeping for a solid hour. Ryan got to change baby Ryan's diaper for the first time! And finally, baby Ryan started opening his eyes to look at his mommy and daddy. Needless to say, we had a very good night and couldn't have been any more excited with how the day went!

February 15th, 2012
Ryan's feedings have gone up to 5ml every 2 hours. His oxygen levels on the C-PAP are borderline switching back to the vent. Being on the C-PAP, Ryan has to breathe on his own which may be too much on his tiny body right now. They said not to think of it as a setback that he would be going back on the vent, it would just give Ryan the break he needs to gain more strength in his lungs. A PICC line was also inserted into his arm.

Central line (sometimes referred to as a PICC line) - This is an intravenous line that is inserted into a vein, often in the arm which allows use for a larger vein. This is normally used to deliver nutrients and medicines that would otherwise irritate smaller veins.
The PICC line will be in his arm for a while until he does not need any further nutrients or medications.

February 16th, 2012
Ryan's feedings have gone up to 7ml every 2 hours. They have moved him back to the vent like they said that were going to. His heart and digestive system seem to be in great condition, all we need is his lungs to support his body and hopefully it will all be uphill from there.

February 17th, 2012

Ryan's feedings are now at 9ml every 2 hours. The little man is eating and pooping like a champ. Ryan’s final umbilical IV line has come out, so the only tubes we need to be concerned with are from the neck-up. Now back on the vent, his blood gases are looking way better and Ryan is looking a lot more stable. If being on the vent is going to make him not struggle, I am perfectly happy keeping him on it for a while.
February 18th, 2012

Ryan is now eating 11ml every 2 hours. It unbelievable how much milk this little guy can tolerate! The nurses even admit since he is eating a lot more, their changing his diaper way more because he keeps leaking out. Haha. He is now weighing in at 2 pounds 1 ounce which means he is gaining weight, and back to his birth weight! This was also a great day for daddy because he was able to finally hold baby Ryan!
February 19th, 2012

Ryan’s feedings went up to 12ml every 2 hours. Ryan and I got to experience changing our first super poopy diaper. We are still not confident with changing his diaper in the isolate, so the fact that Ryan got some poop on his finger was not a surprise. Baby Ryan's eyes were open the whole time we changed him. I can only imagine what was going through his head while watching us. Ryan is now 2 pounds and 3 ounces, which means he is now heavier than his birth weight!

February 20th, 2012
Ryan’s feedings are now at 14ml every 2 hours. At 11:00AM they decided to switch him back to the C-PAP and give him another try at it. He has been doing very well on the vent and they do not want to deprive him of the challenge of breathing on his own. At 9:30PM, they switched him back to the vent (crazy day for baby Ryan).  He was struggling too much on the C-PAP and there is no reason for him to struggle right now when he can have the vent help him. My only concern is what, if any, kind of damage are all these tubes doing coming in and out of his throat? Humm, something to definitely ask tomorrow morning.

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